anglican works
Ecclesia Anglicana Libera Sit
Based on the Formularies
Works posted are verified to align with the doctrinal formularies of the Protestant and Reformed Church of England: the 1662 BCP and Ordinal Attached Thereto, the two books of homilies, the 39 Articles of Religion, the three Christian Creeds and historic church order.
Catholic Christianity in the British Isles
The Church of England is one of the oldest churches in the world, said to be started by St. Joseph of Arimathea in the first century according to tradition.
Almost 200 Years of History
This is aStudying the history of the pre-and-post Reformation English church is essential in discovering her dominical and apostolic roots as a true member of the one, holy, catholic and apostolic church. Christ and His Gospel, the Church and her Scriptures and Sacraments, and the holy Priesthood have a long history in England.